[Three weeks have passed since my last update. A bewildering, heartwrenching few weeks, for me, for all of us. The world remains at ceaseless peril and in a constantly renewing spectacle of horror. I have been scrubbing, cleaning, uprooting, planting, pruning, trimming, plucking, staining, sanding. This season, between spring and summer, is full of enthusiasm. The golden-haired goddess Demeter has reunited with her beloved daughter and showered the earth with her grace, her plenty. Every which way and every single thing demands invites attention. We are all spread thin. The earth demands much of us. Our societies, our networks, our gardens. In this time, the lilacs have gone from budding, to blooming, and now to some blossoms turning. The ocean remains transcendently beautiful; the trees, resplendent in their glory to the Most High, Most Low, Most Other, Most Same. We are renewed in our vigor, and resting when we can, and exhausted, and worked to our bounds and beyond. We are, each of us, doing what we must. Love your neighbor as best you can, in the way you best know how. With this missive which arrived in three parts over the past 18 days, I send along my love to you all~] Received 5/10 (Title) | 5/18 (First Stanza) | 5/28 (Second & Third Stanzas)
Listen to the Recitation:
Loose the attachment without compromising the expectation.
Complexes are angels sent to guide us; our expecting
is Promising-with. Anger, followed to its end, is humor.
A very funny thing has happened. Why is it
That being surprised is evidence of immaturity?
"I'm not surprised" a statement of wisdom?
Surprise is our greatest teacher, our strongest ally
Guiding us in learning, how to value our expectations
And continue to offer them, to sacrifice them gaily
At the altar of our evolution. Growth is fed by surprise
We too are nourished in our upsetting of what
We expected to happen, or might happen; upturned
The Coire Ansic of wise Dagda, an Un-Dry cauldron
Of plenty, with mastery over life and death and
Complete satiation. The gold at the end of the rainbow
Awaits within
Stirring, stirring; I am stirred, stirred to move
An upstirring, upwelling, surging forth;
"Now what" is answered by being, fortuitously
Acting out the fullness of our roles, and allowing
Our own roles to surprise us with their dynamic
Face—the masks are alive! They always have been.
Did you really think they were just tools, props
To be worn, discarded, stored in the attic, hung
On a wall, proudly displayed, stories recounted of
Wearing them, when we 'had' to wear them?
Sit with the mask more deeply. Ask her how
To love her better, in a way more accessibly loving
To her, today. Listen to what she has to say.
The worst possible outcome seems inevitable.
Be open to the unexpected occurring.
Many of us—most of us—live in a post-apocalyptic
World, our home devastated, our lives displaced;
The worst possible outcome has already occurred.
Be open to this being true, even if it is not your experience.
Can we hold compassion for the simultaneity
Of heaven and hell? When your confidence grows
Into certainty, be open to the situation becoming
Less clear. When the world seems more confusing,
Be open to it becoming clear. Clarity and Confusion
Work together, dance together, to craft reality
In a net-positive direction. We hold gratitude to
Spirit, and bless the land we walk upon. Treading,
Cease in your wandering when the route is uncovered
And walk your path; sometimes brambled, sometimes
Thicket, sometimes clear and level and flat, opening
Into the bright wood, the dark clearing, the rambling
Meadow field. Remember to smell the lilacs,
To pick up the fallen olive branch, even if no one
Stands before you. The earth has given it to you,
So you might give it to another down the road.
Be open to who you might meet, to how they might
See, you, the world, the path they walk. Activation
Is not the end of the journey, but a welcome traveling
Companion, helping us all get to where we're
Going. Yes, it is true that the worst has happened,
And is happening, and is yet to happen. It is also true
That the worst is part of the recipe for the best.
Prophecy has promised us this. In no uncertainty,
We are exactly where we are meant to be,
Have arrived exactly where we are meant to go,
And have at our disposal all tools of perception,
Awareness, relation, condemnation needed
To dislodge the next core component, the next
Core relation, the next way to the next garden—
Which too may get burnt. We may even do the burning.
Remember always those great trees which must
Burn in order to grow. The great forests, charred,
Either in a controlled manner or in an "act of God"
As if that were disordered, or mayhem. May we
Pick ourselves back up, again and again, and look
Ahead, look unwavering in the eyes of those we meet
Without compromising our expectations, our hopes,
Our dreams and distraughts; drought and famine
Are cooking our comforts into just desserts, feeding
From the hand, feeding the hand; a star comes falling
Down and lands at the feet of the great king Gilgamesh,
The star which is his soul, his cross of burden, his
Ultimate power to shine and radiate and rage
In quest for the one holy flower, the one holy fruit
Which would bestow immortality, a heavenly immorality
To she who would eat it in the face of God.
Be open to the transformation. Lay your expectations
At the feet of your beloved, and pray
Openness to yourself, to your enemies, to your unbeknownst
To yourself your way become clear;
To yourself your way become confounded.
To be open is to be closed to your conviction;
To be closed is to be open to your conviction.
The truth contains all of this, and more
Far more, which is now coming to light.
"Prodos" - Procession
"Epistrophe" - Return
To the "thearchia" - Divine Source
Journey of return is accomplished through negations - "apophasis"
"Apophasis/Aphairesis" - Negation, Denial
(Use Aphairesis more often)
"Kataphasis/Thesis" - Assertion, revelation
by Divine Providence (Scripture, Philosophy)
"Exaireou/Exairemene" - Transcendent,
removed from
"Epekeina" - Transcends all, beyond all
Eros (yearning) towards "Ekstasis"
by way of negations (apophasis, aphairesis)
"Apeiria" - Infinity of Thearchia,
"One infinitely transcends everything and yet
gathers everything within it"
"Agnōsia" - Unknowing; "Complete
unknowing is Knowledge" the unknowing
about God, and the unknowing
of God. "Hyperagnouston" - beyond
unknowing. Moses is exemplar because
he plunges into agnōsia
"Henosis" - Unity/Union of One and
with One, strive toward
"Mysterious union far beyond
"Theosis" - Divinization; use
Henosis for Mystical unification process/
method; Theosis mostly for Hierarchy
aphairesis - agnōsia - henosis
kataphasis - apophasis - ekstasis
I’ll swim in this