[Blood blood blood. More and more blood for the blood(y) god~] Received 6/29/2024 | 12:45pm
Listen to the Recitation:
In a mood for blood fugue --
heart, frame of mind, spirit; courage, arrogance,
pride; power, violence
animus, mens; mind, courage; intellect, mind,
intention; wrath, anger;
courage; courage, anger; intelligent; proud; a fit
of bad temper; sullenness, sudden anger;
in a state of mind
to be willing (to do or not do something).
Emit or Omit; admittance is a pittance, and
Omission the ominous mission.
Blood a la mode -- it is the manner of blood to
be moody, indulgent, entitled.
Be wholly beautiful - says Emily
Who was immortally preoccupied with aliveness:
Were her words /ALIVE/ (are you? are yours?)
Where else does her immortality lie
Life is for the living, but only after death
Recluding and colluding, immortality is attained
Only by blood in blood with blood. It is the blood
That grants us access to the eternal.
We must look at the blood. Very closely. Carefully.
Diligently and Disciplinedly: bleed life a sacrifice
For the earth, which is us, which is our words,
Which is the Word. We must look at the blood of words:
Until words bleed, they are not alive. Cut them open
And let out what is within. Spill it on the altar
And commit your acts of augury. What do you seem?
What do you heard? Touch. Feel. Spread the fluid
Between your fingers—slippery, sticky, basic;
Rudimentary, sedimentary, sedentary, dissentery.
Most words are dead, bloodless. It is only the courageous
Which are alive. Connected to the heart. Pumping
Breath blood bowel movements living expelling breathing
Symbols of the real; the real is a symbol, simple
Entrails and en~trances,
The whole system needs a dignity rehaul
Honor grace beauty;
To connoisseurship,
Refinement of taste,
Refinement of touch,
Refinement of sight,
Refinement of hearing,
Refinement of scent,
Refinement of interoceptivity,
Refinement of balance,
Refinement of movement,
Refinement of mind,
Take all nine senses and cultivate
Your garden. If any are missing,
There will be more space for the others to grow.
Slobbishness cannot be valued on the public stage
Any longer. We will not survive it. Unless
We do not wish to survive it.
Which unfortunately is not due for us:
For life has been elected
The blood is flowing freely, ripe
And rancid. Put more blood back into the system
Into the body
Fresh blood, fresh strength, fresh meat
Red blood, iron, kale, mycoproteins and more,
These are the three key ingredients
Needed for now
To become now as now is meant to be
And bring forth the destined white calf
With black eyes, not pink, and
Black ears and black feet and a black nose.
RETURN SPIRIT to the public stage, the national
Stage; too many layers of staged operations
Never enough of the right thing;
There is always just enough of everything.
Elevation is upon us
Build strength
FULL Commitment
Beauty requires moving beautifully through the world
Meeting yourself beautifully
Hard work
Become the steward of culture, renovate
The illuminatrix, the infrastructure of illumination,
Which is absolutely the goal.