[A blessed Mabontide to all! Today’s missive came at the tailend of sitting with my dear friend Marilyn, who guided a small group of us through an exploration of deeper breath callings. So many of us are inbetween bookends right now (after the closing bookend and before the next opening end). We do not place books in this space. We keep it empty. Perhaps place a tchotchke, a small rock, shell, a statue, a glass vase. Some light ornamentation of the void, accessorizing the gap. Emptiness is uncomfortable by nature. Life is restless — it doesn’t stop. We follow it as it follows us. We are it as it is us. The placement of bookends is not as arbitrary as it seems. Look at which book ends the section, which books open it. And see too what has been placed in the between space, in the interstices. The vertices of fertility. Dive into the d’ark. It impels you on, on-to, onward~ ] Received 9/21/24 | 2:20pm
Listen to the Recitation:
Downlodes & Lodestones
Holding charge, releasing charge
Pressing inquiry, receiving inquiry
Having thought, hearing thought
Intaking breath, expelling breath
Be with the question
The question is with you
The question is within you
Open the journal and let the pen move
Your fingers
Do not write; be written through, thoroughly
Everything happens; nothing happens alone
Everything breathes; nothing breathes alone
Be with the breath
The breath is with you
The breath is within you
Open the heart and let the blood move
Your soul
Do not live; be lived through, thoroughly
Synchronize your movements with awareness
Your awareness with your movements
As one expands, let all expand; do not push back
As one rescinds, let all rescind; do not push out
The purpose of life is rhythm
Is rhythmic.