[What a couple of weeks. Everything changes. Everything is always changing, and is never not the same as it always was. Some days the awareness of eternity sprouts from many or most moments, little hidden eustachian canal corridors leading to divine realms, at once invisible and forever in plain view. One is left to wonder in the vast awe of our ability to experience all that happens to us. Perhaps you will find in today’s missive some small piece of what has been coursing through my veins of late. May it be a blessing to you, we who walk this life together~ NOTE: I highly recommend listening to the recitation of this one, as the dictation provided several unexpected and in my opinion very intriguing inflections, which I have done my best to re-create for you.] Received 8/3/2023 | ~6am
We seek to prevent what we do not understand
You know what they say:
Invention is the mother of necessity
And futility, her midwife
The field of Novelty emerges transcendent
Out of the ashes of impossibility
Human density is human destiny
The propensity for our usness to coalesce
Into any and every given moment,
Into any and every moment given to us.
Do not disparage what must be displayed
Proudly beholden to that which portrays
The very bestrickening encountenance
Of what is betrayed by what is beloved
The crows' insistence claws away at
Every parallel reality, merging emergent
Shifting up down in around about away
Dancing two three steps lockstep synch
Be still, ever moving. There is no stillness
That is not moving. It is neither moving nor
Still. Watch the ticking time bomb hand
As the minutiae go past you, laughing
Gaily, daily, we are programmed by the play
Of time, flung far from and never not arrived
Already at peace and ever distraught
The crisis is the chrys(t)alis, deformulating
Crumbling down every foe and faux facade
Of self, of sense of self, of self-deception
There is no way to deceive what cannot be
Deceived, no thing to deceive what has
Already subverted the joke. It is a funny
Coincidence to appear as one, what appears
As two, or ten thousand, sacred folding
Cranes, lifting heads necks outstretched
Shipping containers up and out of massive
Tankers, titanic, crawling on thin limbs
Out to sea. Electric bolts flashing and bursting
Striking down seven thousand times the same
Place, in seven mere thousandths of a second
Who can measure a second, when that very
Second has stretched on forever without end?
Conducting and Conduction, waving lightning
Rods or batons. Electricity is Music and music
Is electricity. Frequencies and amplitudes and
Waves, pounding against shores of softened
Sea glass, silica in so many forms. The horn
Takes the electric stimulus and creates the
Sonorous timbre of a soprano, an operatic
Movement recorded in 1962, filled with passion
Passivity is pain, when one pauses to let it
Express itself, in vulnerable austerity,
To prosperous means and ends
Michelangeli and Celibidache perfectly present
The vision of Ravel, a man neither knew, who
Wrote his piano concerto in G major
As a kind of farewell, a kind of self portrait.
Everything is perfectly orchestrated, in all
Venues and avenues of life, a conductor stands
Off to the side, at times, or else right at center
Of view, commanding attention and almost
Ignorable, not to be noticed, and by many
Accounts absent. Some say irreparably or
Irrevocably. If you can hear the music,
Do not doubt that there are players, and
If there are players, do not doubt that there is
A stage, and if there's a stage, do not doubt
That there's a writer, behind the scenes or
Behind the curtain or behind the veil or
On another dimension or another galaxy
We say the same thing in many different ways
The same song wears many different outfits
Always in impeccable style, and always
With impeccable grace. This is what we mean
When we say 'aesthetic' — Aetheric activity
Flowing in and about our life, the very shape
Of our life, its sound and reverberance
We hold it in the highest of reverence, this un-
Mistakable character and quality of being
Which is ours to be, and no one else's
Beneath the glittering surface of mundanity
Lies profundity, Gloria in profundis
Whether in pajamas or in overalls or dressed
To the nines, it is always the same body
Wearing them. Be worn by them. You are
Already a garment, a movement of violin,
A lilting lift of foot, a crass bang of hammer
Before you knew it, you were dancing
And after you knew it, there was only dancing
And you were the dancer, and you were the
Dance, and you the red shoes, and you the
Resonant floor. Every separation is a reflection.
And every mirror image is never the same
Nor is it different from what it reflects.
The perception of difference helps us triangulate
The object of our undying fascination.
Find the altogether other space
That is where the conductor of dreams
Resides. Revere them all, whomever you find
For the conductor too is you
Even I am you
You who are that I am
There is no I am without you.
Ooooh! The dancer, the dance, the shoes, the floor, the everything of the Nothing that is so sacred I can’t breathe a Word of it but I breathe it all the time.
Thank you, thank you. Beautiful.
LOVE the voice over! The vibration created and your intonation brings this to life in such a special way.