[The other night I was sent a dream which told me to share with you two dreams from the past year in ‘re-verse’ order — one from three months ago, and then one from twelve. And so I will offer first the March dream, and then, a couple days from now, the dream from last year in June.]
[[A brief note on my practice of dream description: I only record dreams I am specifically instructed to record at the end of a dream or else immediately upon waking. My descriptions are hand-written in one fluid go as soon as I receive the instruction. I do not change words, nor do I change grammar, punctuation, or ‘misspellings’ present in the original recording. I often find that altered language from what I might expect, or be conditioned to expect, contains meaningful gem-rough for my own faceting, dream-polishing process. In later typing up these descriptions, I do occasionally add line breaks (as in the below write-up) if I find that it makes the experience of reading the dream flow a bit more easily. I hope you are delighted by this ‘treasure’ — it has led me in many amazing directions of inquiry, exquiry ever since its arrival~]]
An expedition begins! For the fabled buried treasure of the last legendary pirate treasure hoarder figure in history and lore. A short, elderly captain hires a giant crew of highly diverse and many unsavory sorts to undergo this perilous journey. I and many pirates (in only loose disguise) are included in the roster. I come to the boat with many bags, very well prepared, and myself had been pursuing hints and whispers of this treasure for much (or all) of my life. I have nice clothes on, stylish and also practical. Secure and well-fitted. There is a particularly imposing, large character who is hired as one of the chief members of the crew, and he comes with a particularly large bunch. The captain himself is quite enthusiastic and the hiring pamphlet query/flier for potential crew indicates it as a sort of second (or third!) chance at life, at a redo on life — a way to make a fortune and a name for yourself that can wipe away your past, and whatever you may have done, whoever you may have been before the voyage.
The full crew is hired and we arrive at the boat, and we are in awe of the boat. It is huge! Like a Spanish treasure galleon, but even larger. Wooden hull, many levels, ornately decorated in reds and golds, a dragon carved into the sides whose own head formed the head spar/sprit of the boat's prow/bow. Its tail wrapped around the large, flat, glass-windowed terraces of the stern. The other boats in the harbor seemed like toy boats in comparison, worn and dull, to this grand ship's glowing sun-like presence in the sea. Even the waters around it seemed bluer, brighter in association. I smiled with my own brimming and burgeoning excitement for the adventure to come.
We all get on small, colorful boats and row over to board the great ship, which was far too large to come to dock at any of the piers. Onboard, people are running all about. The first/chief officer/mate was a woman, much taller than the captain, and quickly issuing orders and commands. It seemed like she was really who was in command of the vessel, and that the spry, elderly captain was in his position primarily for his wealth, connections, influence, and the credibility which he lended to the operation/venture. I am told that the captain is waiting for me in his quarters, and I go right away to him. On the way, I put down my own many bags on a side bunk so I can be more presentable to the captain. I run my hand back through my hair as I walk briskly to his door and knock, go in.
The captain is waiting for me at his table, face glowing and grinning, hopping up and down in front of a large, weathered and yellowed map. I introduce myself and the captain gives me a measured stare. "You are one of the few I truly trust on this boat. Should anything go wrong, be sure to find me right away. I will entrust the secrets of how to find the treasure to you." I understand, and bow. We talk a bit more about the treasure, and how it is finally time for it to be uncovered, after so many years, generations, eras. He explains more of the journey to me. We would be sailing into a different dimension, like a pocket realm, hidden away from ordinary exploration in a place outside of time and space. The boat is actually a magic dragon taking the form of a boat, who had the ability to cross through the threshold between these two worlds and take everyone along with. This journey had never been undertaken before, and they would be the first to go ever since the legendary pirate captain had somehow discovered the place, and/or sealed it off from the rest of the world (the stories and myth/lore we'd been handed down differed in their tellings/details as to how the treasure came to be in this place). The captain expected a rough journey, and potential interference from the spirit realm, potential defense mechanisms left over from the legendary figure who wished for their treasure to be discovered only by one courageous enough to attain it against all odds and through all trials. The captain knew at least one of us in the crew was to be just this person, and said this with a wink to me.
Our conversation then through, he patted me on the back. "Be sure to remember what I first told you. Should anything happen, come to me first, and I will entrust this mission to you." I nodded and turned away, to go back down the hallway and receive my orders from the woman-in-command on the deck. Everyone was bustling and the ship was now almost ready to set sail. She made eye contact with me while issuing her terse orders to everyone else around her, keeping perfect order among what would have otherwise been a most unorderly assembly. I received my orders and began assisting with the sails, various ropes and knots, and checking the instruments, compasses, etc.
The journey begins, and the anchor is retrieved from the harbor sea-floor. The boat moves smoothly despite its huge size and quickly picks up pace, cutting through the unusually cerulean blue sea and azure tides that formed a kind of halo aura all around the vessel. These bright blue waters quickly transitioned into the ordinary dark blue-ish black brackish crested seas just a short distance away from the boat in every direction.
Before long we are into the vast open ocean and far from all known shores. There are whispers in quiet meetings on the various underbelly quarters of the ship. A storm gathers in the distance and the chief officer and captain stand at the helm watching it, looking at various instruments. We were headed straight into the thick of the storm, flashing and deep purple ominous, giant clouds like demons and angels clashing in a great conflict to determine the fate of the world, of all worlds.
We enter the wall of the storm and are quickly thrashed back and forth by the torrential gusts of wind and flooding downpours, waves the height of skyscrapers that rushed into each other, casting explosive geysers far into the sky, landing like bombblasts and artillery fall. Everyone is rushing about, trying to keep the ship together. It is creaking and groaning under the pressure. Before long, the boat gives in to the forces of the storm and with a terrible shudder and crack! begins to split in two, evenly down the middle, front from back. It does not break all at once, and quickly we hear the commanding officer ring the bell and order people to collect their wits and prepare to abandon vessel. I immediately head to the captain, who had returned to his quarters. He smiled grimly at me, half-calm in this chaos, and put his hand on my right shoulder, reassuringly. I am not afraid, as I feel I had been prepared to expect just this. In the hand contact//lay-on-hands from the captain, I receive many visions and information pouring into me, racing through and in front of my mind's eye. All the information needed to find and retrieve the treasure — and hopefully to get back again!
When all necessary knowledge had been passed on/transmitted, the captain then handed me a long thin case, which contained what looked like a sort of brass telescope. "You will need this. Be sure not to lose it!" I take the case and hold the Captain's eyes. He smiles again, this time warmly. "I am glad it is you. Now go! I cannot leave this boat. I am bound to him. You must go on your own. I am not sure who else will survive this and make it through to the other side. Once there, your way will be much smoother. Be mindful of your company, and keep steady, keep moving forward, and you will find it. Good luck! And may fortune bless/be with you." He then sends me away and turns back to his desk, leaning over the map with both hands on its surface.
I hurriedly gather all of my belongings and am sure to put the captain's long thin case in the bottom of one of my duffel-type bags. I have food, clothes, various tools, and paper, pen, and all manner of other things besides. I head then straight to the small empty one-person rowboat waiting for me and swing it overboard. The dragon vessel is now much lower into the water, and heaving tiredly. Yet it is holding, as if to give the fleeing crew a fighting chance.
Once I am in the water, I quickly begin to row away, and notice as I do so that the storm is now mostly behind us. Quickly the sky clears and I am in an impossibly beautiful world. The waters in every direction are crystalline blue, blending seamlessly into the cornflower-colored sapphire sky above, the sea glistening and twinkling with scintillae dancing on its many-faceted living surface. There were islands too, many small ones, covered in lush green verdant life, and ringed in golden sands. My oars had been lost somehow, but the small boat is well-able to move quickly on its own depending on how I change its angle in relation to the surface of the water: lower, slower; higher, faster.
There are many people drowning in the waters around me, and many others gathering on one of the islands nearby. I look for the woman who had been giving commands but cannot find her. Instead there is the large unsavory figure and many of his band/ilk. I go to them as I know I will need their help, though I am careful not to let them know of all that I know and was entrusted with. Zipping my way through the wreckage and floating motionless bodies, and struggling swimmers, I land on the island and join everyone.
Over the course of the coming journey onto the main island, and into its depths, the large figure takes command and eventually learns of the captain's telescope which had been given to me. He allows me to keep it so long as I use it to get them all to the hiding place of the treasure trove. [The details of the journey become hazy at this point, only becoming clear again at the end:] At last, we come upon the destination, at a high altitude and excellent vantage point. Looking back over the waters from whence we came, there is no evidence of the dragon boat, or of the storm, nor any of the wreckage. Just pristine blue peaceful pleasant seas as far as can be seen. The sun is overhead and warm, not overbearingly so. It is a kind of paradise. The treasure is found at last.
~ Friday, March 10, 2023 | waking around 6pm from a nap
Ohhhh...a nap? I hung on every word... and like the dragon ship and narrator, I was transported to another dimension - what a relief, if but brief. Keep looking for the treasure...