[This is the shortest missive I’ve received. Something of a surreal experience.. foggy, then clear. The direct experience of the words. ‘Focus’ has been all around me of late. Insistent; demanding. Undeniable.
I also would like to invite you all to attend a talk I will be giving this Friday evening on the Transcendent Third. This will be the culmination of around 10 years of research into the third as it appears and is represented textually over the past several thousand years, and will be my most in-depth presentation on the topic yet. The transcendent third is probably the single most impactful psychic infrastructure I’ve experienced throughout my life, and if you have not been consciously exposed to it, this would be a great way to come into recognition/remembrance. The program will be recorded, in case the timing doesn’t align. And should the cost of registration be an issue, just email me//respond to this missive and I can get you in no problem. It would be a wonderful pleasure to see and speak with you in this most dear and sacred context. For more information and to sign up, visit: https://www.mainejungcenter.org/event-details-registration/the-transcendent-third-jung-alchemy-visions-of-three-with-cybele-brandow~] Received 10/21/24 | 10:44 pm
Listen to the Recitation:
Open your "eyes" and see