[Note: Mobile viewing may incorrectly line-break a few of the longer verses; read in a browser if you prefer always accurate formatting] Received 4/17/2023 | ~11am
Transcendent beauty, roaring
Rampaging inelegance, reverent(ial)
Laughing solemnly at the
Levity of Life, severe
in its commitment to fallacy.
The harrowing of hell is an
illusion—illudere, homo ludens
a game played at the hands of an eternal
youth, you are covered in
bright colored multivalent baubles
bouncing and solid and light.
Gravity dances along the horizons
of our being, never yet becoming;
gaily we cry a tearless
weep, sweeping living leaves up
elder trees, glowing fiercely
with warm golden light, pulsing
up, and down, and in out beyond
Reaching, and touching, and holding
The gently supple wrinkles of
an ancient love, an unbegotten
Beloving, beloven, belost
How does one relish in feeble fealty
The sound of self congruence
A confluence of grim kindness
Humble in its approach, quiet
in its cruelty, its generosity.
Grace everlasting, sails full and
Billowing, bellowing, belowing
When you pause the set and
settle into the nest of now
Will you sing? Will you lift your
voice from on high, and look.
Look around you, and see.
See all that is around you.
It is a field of mines, pitfalls,
Treasures interwoven mere inches
Apart, doom and destiny.
Your doom is your destiny.
The journey is not your destination.
And the destination is where we must
Reach; reach, and touch, and hold
That ancient love, that unbegotten
Belonging where we find, at last,
Not where we are, but How.
God is Nowhere Apparent.
God is Now Here Apparent.
Utopia is Ou-topia, not Eu-topia.
It is nowhere. It is not where.
Not a place, but a-way,
of Life, of Living, of Loving
with a force unknown even to your soul
Undeniable post-diluvian delightening.
Delightenment awaits you within you
As you.
No longer reaching;
No longer touching;
No longer holding;
You are that I am:
You are always here—
You are all-ways here.