[A short missive arrived just a bit ago in conversation with a loved one, in the aftermath of visitations from archangels Jeremiel/Jerahmeel and Raphael. Jeremiel is, in my memory, the first named archangel who/that was revealed to me back in the drutherdowns of yore, and they have been with me ever since. Angels are a strange and ancient imaginal lineage, going back to our earliest surviving texts. They do appear to have an intercessory function. And, perhaps most interestingly, they have names. It is somewhat rare in my experience for an image to bear (and share) a personal name. Some agentic forces in the world are evidently consistent and crucial enough that, by one means or another, they become named such that we can easily and translatably refer to them, call to them. May this little missive be a boon to you today; may it aid you in receiving any images you need in this moment~] Received 11/10/24 | 1:23pm
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