[I’m speechless. A follow-up Missive arrived almost immediately after publishing the prior one, which also arrived so unexpectedly and at such a late hour. It must be important that these two go together in close proximity ‘in time’ (linear), and yet remain as separate/distinct missives. Unimaginable! This is all unimaginable to me. That’s how you know it’s true Gold. Note: There’s quite a bit additional material to the missive BELOW the photo, so please do be sure to keep reading down~] Received 9/9/2023 | 3:30am
Listen to the Recitation (keep listening after recitation of the short poetic dictation for a reading of the rich sub-Missive material):
God has endorsed the IG Story format as a legitimate and potent, concise, clear medium for Revelation!
Endorsement through the birth of a new Missive Transcription Medium
This one is opening tightly shut gates all the way down my spine
In all my relationships too
My resentments are gone
All aboard!
There's no time or space for resentment!
It's all PERFECTLY in God's Hands
Hurry up and GET WITH IT!
Have a BLAST!
Let the people who love you, love you!
Let yourself Love the People you Love!
Love NOW!
There's no time to Waste
Love, Now

Facilis descensus Averno:
Noctes atque dies patet atri ianua Ditis;
Sed revocare gradium superasque evadere ad auras,
Hoc opus, hic labor est.
(Trans 1)
The gates of Hell are open night and day;
Smooth the descent, and easy is the way:
But to return, and view the cheerful skies,
In this task and mighty labor lies.
(Trans 2)
Trojan, Anchises' son, the descent of Avernus is easy.
All night long, all day, the doors of Hades stand open.
But to retrace the path, to come up to the sweet air of heaven,
That is labour indeed.
— Aeneid 6.126-129.