[What an entrance into Fall. Lee blew in the changing of the tides, the changing of the seasons, the changing colors of the leaves, the blue wood-aster blooms, and blew apart two of my wind ornaments that were hanging outdoors. I am cooking. There is a chill on the air. Every day this past week I have been buffeted by visions, often rendering me useless in their midst. Yesterday I was immobilized for six hours on my loveseat with rivers of visions overflowing me, eyes twitching, glazed over, a million hours with every passing moment. Countless eternities. How can there be more than one? Somehow, this is where we are. Everything is opening. Everything is happening. The Day of Atonement is at hand. Our Destinies are being decided, and are already done. The Missive below came through powerfully this morning, and very clearly let me know that it is to be passed along. I was woken from a dream and delivered into this dictation, which contains within it several recent and ancient visions, overlaying, interplaying. The ‘blueprint’ is something I have known about for a long time, but been unable to access much of or at all until four days ago. Wednesday afternoon, when I was driving west into the mountains, I was driven into visual-somatic ecstasy, undulations of goosebumps and flickering flashings of Queens, Kings, Thrones and More, imagined unimaginables ~ unimagined imaginables. Doesn’t sound very safe, does it? Well, I am happy to report that I arrived safely at my destination, and caused no accidents along the way. And so here we are—happily arrived and happily arriving at our destin/ation(s). Welcome! Let’s get right to it~] Received 9/24/2023 | ~5:42am
Listen to the Recitation:
The Ancient Blueprint was revealed to me:
The Triarchy, in perfect harmony
Three equals in divine concert
Three keystones atop an original arch
The Queen expresses her Will
The King enacts it in the World
If the Queen is not informed by
The Counsel of the Third, of the Triarch,
Of the court astrologer, the magi, the jester,
Of the Sibylla, the Archigallus, the psychopomp,
Of Merlin, of the Hag, of the Eunuch, the Healer,
The Witxh, the Seer, the High Elven Council,
The Ibis-headed Atlantean soothsayers,
Truthspeakers, storytellers, smokemakers;
then Her Will shall become corrupt, cruel,
Selfish and disoriented, unclear, inconsistent
And so too shall the King become twisted
And shall He grow confused, and impatient,
And think His role something other than what it is.
All poison and harm comes from this order
Being inverted: the Queen's Will silenced,
The King's Will prioritized, enacted upon Her,
The Third invisibilized, caged in a circus, in a
Talent freakshow, on display or brutalized
Tenderized on sidewalks, passersby silent
Wide-eyed, pupils dilated — this is pleasurable
To them, to the eyes of God, to the eternal
Abyssal voids, consuming everything they can get
Taking everything in, tearing it apart, breaking
Down until Breaking Down becomes Breaking Up.
We are drowning. The only way to fresh air
Is down. We must reach the bottom
To surface at the top.
We will drown before then.
We will die before we get there
At least once. Probably more times than that.
Be open to it.
Die before death.
Clear everything and place the Th/ird back
On Th/eir throne.
The Vision of Three Thrones in a row
Facing forward; facing forward together
Velvet red cushions on golden gilt wood
Carved in the shapes of lions, of angels,
Columns and scrolls and orbs and claws
Talons and spirals and curling ferns and
Ivy, sprawling, growing and frozen in form
Wrapping up into from eachother, radiating warmth.
The Divine Will is received by the Triarch
The Triarch is the Counsel to the Queen
The Queen's Will is in~formed by the Third
And expressed through the lens of Her Intuition,
Her personal desires and insight, to the King
Who, listening and ready, makes it all happen.
He lays Her and Their Will at Their and Her feet
Prostrated, Castrated, He is not even needed
For Procreation. This is His Creation.
His sacred role, his great gift, his unfinite
Delight. To serve and to return. We are all serving
And deserving of all.
The Queen raises her sword and knights
The King, bestowing the great Quest upon Him
And he decrees, for all to hear,
"Thy Will Be Done"
(There is nothing else to say)
No questions, no doubt, no delay
Whatever you desire, I will make it so.
Fluid enactment, im/mediate
He fulfills his quest, and brings the Grail
Back to Her.
She takes the bejeweled, humble cup, to thundrous applause
And offers it to Her Counsel, lowering herself
Baring, Herself Bare before the hushed Assembly
Hair flowing in riverfall tresses, fiery waves
and curls and thin threadbare trunks.
Fleet-footed Hermes takes the cup and
Walks it forward, and back, to the people
Assembled, between worlds, to the hiding place
To the cupboard behind the altar where
It vanishes into thin air, sparkling
Effervescent shadow, before that too
Vanishes, with a twinkle and a pop and a hiss
And appears again, to the mind's (Third) eye
In the hands of everyone present
And all partake of the cup
And all share as one in this holy communion.
It is not for no reason that it is called the Third Temple.
Read Ezekiel Again.
The Vision of the Temple that will be built
Is known to us by way of Maimonides, the Merkavah
Toss some Mugwort onto your equinox flame and, behold!
The Golden Gates are opening.
I just woke from a dream in which I and two
Beloveds were led by a mountain dwarf up
Deep into the Mountains of Maine
To a place, a clearing, an open ledge area
Where a pocket of amethyst might be found.
We began digging, and digging, and digging
And in no time at all, the Earth unfurled to us
And gave unto us precious cluster of grape,
Precious teeth of hyperterrestrial mountain
Dragons, curled up in fossils, fossilized, alive
Some broken, some in tact — some sharp,
Others dull. It was a 3 ft tube pocket, which led
To another, and another. We carefully
Uncovered everything that was meant for us
to Find, filling 5 gallon buckets until we were
Burdened with as much bounty as we could
Bear, laden with every miracle, every mystery
Like mules, stumbling through the wood,
Back down the mountain.
At home, the three of us washed and rinsed
Each precious specimen, every pound of
Gem rough — hundreds and hundreds of lbs
Of intergalactic material, from just beneath
The surface of the Earth, cooked within
Her fiery hEart(h), and tumbled up to her brim
For us to find and follow and carry away.
At the end of the dream, I am showed
Sheet after sheet after sheet of the rich
Purple crystals, spread out before me
Unspeakable in their majesty, all-possessing.
We had mined the mind of the Earth
The planet had entrusted us with her children.
We too are her children.
We too are her, entrusting herself with her.
The children and the Mother are one.
And yet the children are given by the Mother
And sent forth into the World, which is also Her.
(It's all Her).
The last sheet of purple grace is beheld
By me, by our three sets of eyes together
And then one of us speaks
"It is time for me to take a shower."
And I am woken, blinking, in the dark
By that Beloved, coming into bed with me.
I tell the dream, mumbling, hazily, and make space.
In the dark there is plenty of space.
Space enough for everyone, to rest, to sleep,
To dream of precious things, magical things
The exact things which must be revealed to us
By the miraculous orchestrator of such things.
Follow your dreams, follow your visions —
We are not alive in a time when we can afford
To not follow them. The instructions are laid
Before us, in Crystalline Clarity, for us to Enact
As we all are the King
And we all are the Queen
And we all are the Triarch
We are all capable of harmonic Triarchy,
Of immaculate Triarchal creativity and
Creative expression, birthing and deathing,
Dearthing and breadthing, breathing
In and out, and through, and between
One silent moment and another, between
One silent sound and its own soundless echo.
The Golden Gates are no longer opening
They are Open
The Way is Open
Everything is Open.
Everything is Happening
And at last, we are Letting it All happen
We are opening up to our blessings
We are opening up to our vocations
We are opening up to our destined expressions
Unfurl into this warm westerly wind;
It is here for you.
It is all here for you.
Let us be washed by our clarity, with courage.