[This missive is coming in hot! A new medium — image-word transcriptions (the instagram story format, amusingly), pristinely clear and immediate in both reception and transmission, I am fully flowing, open, receptive to the medium, to the message, and to passing it along without delay. This one has me stunned in its power and concision, precision, incision. I present it without further comment~] Received 9/9/2023 | 2:30am
Listen to the recitation:
Come out from your Well(ness)
The Well of your Imagination
Is what limits you
Truth is betrayed In this Well(ness)
By your Well(ness)
Follow the light of her reflection
It shall lead you up and out of the Well
of Her inevitable Demise (Sur.mise)
Truth lives outside of your Imagination
She is Unimaginable (Unmanageable)
Surrender to Her Movement
And you shall be Set Free
And we shall All be Liberated
And our Liberty shall never be lost
*Paintings are a series by Jean-Léon Gérôme, completed between 1895 and 1898. Photographs are from tonight and are my own, of me and my home, including the exceptional “Star Wars” cat calendar, which I at first derided, and then, after accepting it in, realized it was prognosticative, yet another medium for God to Speak