Divinatory Counsel

I have been providing tarot-assisted divinatory counsel to those in my community for 20 years, and have over those years given many talks, participated in panel discussions, led workshops, classes, study groups, and provided 1-on-1 mentorships on tarot history and divination. During my time studying Religion at Reed College, I also wrote and defended a year-long thesis titled “The Fool's Hermeneutic: Toward a Trialogic Model of Understanding Authority within the Confines of the Tarot Divination Event” (which I can send as a .pdf should anyone be interested in reading it). This is a vocational practice which is very dear to me, and to which I have devoted many years of spirited study; it is an integral service I offer to friends, loved-ones, and other curious seekers who by one means or another find their way to me.

Divination in my tradition is a sacred container in which we petition the Divine for general and/or specific guidance, enrichment, and amplification on our life path. We cannot fully know in advance what to expect, as the faces of the divine are many, innumerable. This is why I use the term 'counsel', after its Latin roots 'com+calare' — to summon forth, together. In the divination event, we humbly attend the council of That Which Guides Us and receive what may be shared at this time.

In the dream that inspired me to create this Little Cosmic Missives publication, I was also encouraged to offer divinatory counsel to interested readers. And so I warmly extend this opportunity to you all. Should you feel a desire to sit with me and with tarot in this way, you would be very welcome to schedule a session via email or my Calendly at:

Book a Divinatory Counsel Session with Cybele.

While this scheduling platform does not currently allow for sliding scale or Pay-What-You-Wish, know that this is always an option. It is important to me that my divinatory counsel services remain accessible to all people who are called to them. If you would like to receive counsel for trade or at an alternate rate, please email me directly (cybelebrandow [at] gmail.com) and I will be more than happy to arrange this for you.

Four Arcana from the Sola Busca Tarot (1491)