[A few nights ago the following dream was given to me, and it was the first I’d been moved to fully record in a good while. There are so many components to this dream which I was not able to document in the description; however, many of the core scenes, images are preserved. This is my first recalled dream in Atlantis (at least, in an ‘Atlantis’ explicitly described to me as Atlantis) — a ‘place’ that has come to me in many visions before, in many different states of (dis-)repair. Themes of techgnostic ‘utopianism’ abound, as well as vibrant colors and many pseudo-feelings. The Atlantis of this dream certainly held some kind of other-dimensional quality to it, at once imminent and ancient and yet too some secret third thing. In most of my journeyings, Atlantis acts as a symbol-image of “The Depths” — a highly advanced city-civilization waiting at the bottom of the Sea (of the Unconscious) for those willing to descend deep enough to reach it. Around this ‘city’ is a semi-spheric barrier that prevents sight and access to those who, for one reason or another, are not allowed to receive the treasures contained within. These people instead tend to report finding a seafloor covered in “sludge” at the very bottom of psyche. This is curious to me, as in my experience there are almost always temple attendants expecting my arrival, prepared with very specific gifts for me to take back to the surface. There is more I could write here, but I would rather let Atlantis speak ‘for itself’. Please enjoy this little jaunt into the depths — a depths which may lead to even greater depths than we’d ever before known extant. What is below the bottom of psyche? A void. And what below this void/abyss? More treasure. Yes, and sludge. But what below that? How much more waits below the place which has been affirmed countless times as the bottomest bottom, as the very base of the depths’ depths? Whatever awaits us there, we can know only that it is where we are headed. Buckle up (//en garde?)! “It will only get more intense from here on out…!”]
[[For notes on my dream description process, see {Dream} TREASURE WORLD]]
I am in Atlantis. I am of one of the oldest families, one of the first that established the city/civilization. I am the equivalent of a teenager/emerging adult who is in the middle of lifepath determination. We are in a semi-underwater world. There is highly advanced technology, like computers, like virtual reality simulation hubs, games, etc. Most of the games appear to be training for various lifepaths. I desire to be part of a sort of ultra advanced military unit, the members of which control nano-machine hives that often take the form of a rigid spear, but can also be worn as jewelry/necklace/wristbands. I have excellent technique and aptitude for this particular path, however being elected into it is extremely difficult. Going down one of the central grand spiral staircases of the megacity, I am taken by the beauty and sophistication of this place, all the color. There are bright corals, everything looks almost like art nouveau style. Sharp points and rounded angles. Objects are both comfortable and impossible to focus on, look at. A friend of mine helps me to take my lifepath pretest, which is a sort of form you fill out that lets you know which evaluation exam to take. There are very high expectations for me, and my older brother is already highly acknowledged in Atlantis. It is hinted/intimated that my parents are also very important. Politicians? Aristocrats? Some high ranking members of the city-state. On the pre-evaluation form, I fill out everything quickly to try to get into the lifepath I desire. I skip past the section on gender, as I do not think it's necessary. I finish the form. With my friend, we happen upon a procession "military" parade of beautifully uniformed, dressed citizens, armed with their nanomachine spear-necklaces, rigidly held together by the willpower of each wielder. It is an amazing sight for people who have attempted to control these nanomachine hives before. Most people can barely move/control a few of the individual nanomachines, and certainly cannot form even those few into a rigid solid. It takes extreme power and focus to form it, and then even more to maintain it. Each of the Atlanteans in the parade was dressed in this beautiful and luminous, shining orange garb. Many layered and semi-transparent, semi-translucent. They wore pointed helmets of a similar material, though rigid and shell-like rather than like silk or seaweed. Somehow I came by one of the nanomachine hives/collectives and was appreciating it. It was like a string of beads, amber-red, dark and deep in color, almost vibrating with a hum. A slightly silvery tone, color shifting, as if the entire form and appearance was taut/taught and could change completely in the next moment. Surface tension of water, packed with energy. I was in awe of holding a real hive, since I had only been able to wield them in virtual reality games before (at which I was very skilled/good/high ranking). However, I wanted to be more than just a high ranking game player. I wanted to be an actual wielder of a hive, for the greater Atlantean collective and project. I went to a sort of help desk, where there was one person, a young man, as receptionist. I brought the hive to him and asked, pleaded for an opportunity to prove myself with them. He looked at them and was amazed that they had somehow come to me, as if such a thing doesn't just get dropped and mistakenly left behind for just anyone to find. Something about this particular set was special. He got in contact with one of the exam proctors and they exchanged words which I was not able to catch. He nodded then looked to me and, with a sharp look in his eyes, let me know that he had been able to get me one opportunity, and that there was no time to prepare. He took me to an elevator-like device behind him, which is where I parted ways with my long-time friend, who was THRILLED that I was getting this chance to prove myself, since they had always known and recognized my skills. The receptionist let me know that I would be permitted to use the hive that came to me, as it was already synced to my Will. I get into the elevator and am quickly brought down into the water, and opened into an exam chamber. The sudden shift in environment is difficult for me. I am blinking, adjusting my sight and breathing, my sense of balance and flotation. My left eye does not seem to be working no matter what I do. My right eye is blinking rapidly. What I am able to make out is a rushing competition in the exam room, of individuals flying about through the "water"y makeup of the room. It seems as if the exam is already part through, and almost finished. There is a sort of spider-like silvery hive of machines moving about the room, under chairs and along walls. The room is somewhat cubic, like a lecture hall, with seats and the proctor standing at the designated front which had something like a chalkboard or presentation screen along the wall behind the proctor, watching intently what was unfolding, the behaviors and skills of the examinees. I get the sense that I am too late, especially as I have not yet adjusted to the climate/environment, which is designed to mimic/recreate the conditions of the world outside of Atlantis's bounds. I cannot properly control my own nanomachines since I am actively recalibrating my body and consciousness to this new setting. There are just a couple examinees who are clearly considerably more skilled than the others. One is particularly arrogant re: their skill. People are a little disturbed by my sudden appearance in the middle of things, though after seeing my discombobulation "fish out of water"-like awkward rehabilitation to the scene, mostly ignored me. At the very end, my left eye opens, works again. My breathing regulates and everything clicks into place. I shake myself and begin to race about the room after the large reshaping silvery spider, and wield my hive with rapid eviscerating skill, in a style that I had cultivated in the VR training game. In rapid succession, I overtake and disintegrate the spider with my hive, which splits apart and turns almost into deadly gusts of air, waves, slashes that move extremely quickly through the field of the exam-room, making the other students' efforts seem nubile in comparison. The exam is over and, elegantly, slashing, I spin and reform my nanomachine hive as a single spear and point it into the floor, rigid, and stand by it, heart racing from the short window of time I had had to prove my abilities. The other examinees are looking at me, some in horror, others in jealousy, others in awe, others down their nose, though impressed. The proctor, who is only a bit older than I am, takes me aside and begins speaking to me quickly, asking questions. I am taken through a door to a very large outdoor atrium where many people are buzzing and flying about. I am handed to another person who looks over the forms I had filled out quickly. This person says "I see you didn't fill out the gender fields," then looked at me excitedly. "Just say you're the same gender as me so you get assigned to my unit." This person, even closer to my age, excitedly offers me their (‘his’?) hand and we connect (shake? the connection of our hands seems somewhat different from a handshake) hands. I am in! I fill out the gender forms and am instantly taken down a set of elegant back-and-forth stairs with my new friend Atlantean hive-wielding companion. Going down the stairs is like going warp speed, everything blurs and stretches and moves extremely rapidly. I am in! I have been chosen to be one of the elite. I am relieved at having finally proved myself. I am extremely excited, eyes wide open for what awaits me next at the end of these hyperdimensional stairs.
((I'm in!))
~ Wednesday, October 11, 2023 | waking around 11:31am