[Yesterday, for the first time in almost a year, I received instruction from the orchestrator of dreams to properly record a dream sequence I was being involved in. This particular sequence played out over the course of three fragments, with three wakings: the first a bit before 3:30am, then again a bit after 3:30am, and a final third time around 4:22am. When an insistent dream has hold of me, it will continue to pull me back into it no matter how many times I wake during the process. The last time I shared a dream description with you all was Missive #23, back in October 2023. Missives #8 and #9 were the other two dreams that asked to be shared here. The forewords to those three contain more details about my process of writing up dreams, which I only do when instructed by the dream. Lately I have moved away from analyzing dreams per se, and simply allow the dreams and dreamimages to work on me. Keeping them alive, and off the dissection table, has been bearing lovely fruits, and a much more reciprocal relationship with unconscious. I do not edit or modify any words, sentence structure, capitalizations, or punctuation of my semi-consciously written dream-records, which can make for some delightful curiosities and psychic artifacts. Even though I am awake in-between the three segments, a part of me seems to remain in the sphere of the dream, with a light phantasmic overlay. When you read the Third Segment, you will notice there is no transition akin to “I am back in the water, before the half-submerged woman”; rather the dream picks up right away—even in my consequent recording of it, I include no transition. It is a seamless continuance. May this fourth missive dream delight you as it does me~]
First Segment (before waking) - I am being led through a series of grand rooms, scenes. Being shown them. Each very differently rich. Caverns, castles, vistas, dining halls. I am in wonder awe at each. (Many details I cannot recall)
Second Segment (after waking, as falling asleep again) - I am again being led through scenes. I am a young-ish boy. Amazed and excited, everything I am shown is awesome. I am in the water with a woman, who is a bit coy, very long silverescent pearl hair, half submerged. The water is very clear, translucent, transparent. We are in some sort of a cavern type area, though it is illuminated enough to see Clearly, despite not being outside in daylight, and no Torchlight. I have a clear Arthurian sense in this moment, that it is the Lady in the Lake. It is becoming time for me to go. Before I leave, the Lady asks "Will you take this great sword with you?" And lifts up a blade from the depths. It looks relatively plain, not too sharp. I ask nonverbally why I should take it. "It is Raven-talon blade, and shall aid you" As it surfaces, I see the shining black wrapped iridescent hilt, like raven feathers, with a round, circular metal pommel, again simple in design. The sword has no sheathe. I take the blade and wake.
Third Segment (after recording first two, back in bed) - I am given a simple black scabbard with which to sheathe the blade, also came up from the water depths, after receiving the sword in hand. The black material of the scabbard is matte, not iridescent shining like the hilt. The tip is rounded. I recall that the tip of the sword too is rounded, not pointed. And may be dull. At the very least it is not for stabbing, piercing. The scabbard has a sling sash as if to be worn on the back and unsheathed overhead. Then it appears that the sash can function around the waist as well. The make of the scabbard appears to be very simple at first, almost like a deep black suede, soft to touch and perfectly unreflective, absorbing all light. Then the appearance begins to flicker, alternately ornamented with gold metal scrollwork and gems, highly regal, ceremonial. The appearance of the scabbard seems to flicker between these two appearances, ornamented and unornamented, as if it cannot decide which to be, as if it is both, as if it is neither, as if it necessarily alternates between the two. I ask the dream//Woman-in-the-Water if there is anything else they can tell me, and am sent gradually from the watery cavern, the scene becoming smaller and smaller before me, and me further and further from it, until I no longer am in the cave and am awake
~ Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | waking three times between ~3:20 and 4:22am